Lesson 11:

Called to Collaborate

God's Truth

We are called to work together, to honour others, and to spur one another on to good works.


  • Collaborate: to offer open-handed ideas and perspectives in an effort to find the most optimal solution possible
  • Role: the function one takes responsibility for in a system
  • Team: a group of people working together achieve a common goal

Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other. Romans 12:4-5

willing to admit when they are __________ or when they need __________  Humble willing to __________ their leader even when they __________
put the needs of their __________ before their own Selfless give their __________ __________ even when they do not receive credit
ensure their team has everything they need to __________ Diligent fulfil their __________ as if the entire team depends on them
understanding that they do not already __________ everything Listen gaining __________ in every conversation so they can one day become leaders too
Describe a leader you would want to follow.

Group Discussion

  • Who is your team leader, and why did you choose him/her?
  • Now that we know what it means to collaborate, how can we collaborate better as a team?
  • What are some of the challenges we foresee when we do not collaborate on our project, and how can we overcome them?

Group Member Roles

Write team members’ names next to the group role they will play.
Depending on the size of your group, some people may need to fill more
than one role, or some people may share roles.

Leader: ensures work is done and deadlines are met

Secretary: takes notes on decisions made

Spokesperson: presents to the class

Resourcer: collects necessary resources

Next Steps / Life work

Who is someone you’ve seen as a leader, and how have you seen that leader influence others in either a good way or a negative way? Keep in mind that we are called to collaborate as leaders and followers on a team. Be thinking about this and consider sharing your thoughts with someone you trust.