Lesson 15:

Called to Evaluate

God's Truth

God requires honesty and grace towards one another.


  • Evaluate: to determine how important or valuable something is, and its impact on something or someone
  • Honest: to be truthful; sincere

No, O people, the LORD has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8

Group Discussion

  • Were we kind to one another as we implemented the project? Explain your answer.
  • What challenges did you personally face while doing the project in the community/school/church?
  • Did we exercise humility in response to our challenges with each other?

Next Steps / Life work

As we come to the end of the programme,

What have I learned about God, about myself and about others?

What are my next steps in becoming all God has called me to be?

How will I work toward my future goals with confidence? What are my next steps? Do I have a plan to grow in every area I have been called to?



Let’s assess our projects using this simple tool. Be sure you are being honest, sincere and truthful, as you give and receive feedback positively.

Project Evaluation Form

Rate the comments below on a scale from 0 (not at all) to 3 (absolutely).

Self Evaluation

I worked hard to fulfil the role and responsibilities that I was given.0123
I communicated effectively with other team members.0123
I contributed ideas and helped plan our next steps.0123
I was a positive, honest, and collaborative teammate.0123

 Team Evaluation

Each team member understood their role and responsibilities.0123
Our team used all of our time wisely to complete the project.0123
Our team communicated to each other in a positive, honest, and effective manner.0123
Our team did a good job of asking for help when needed.0123

Project Evaluation

Our project topic was relevant to solving a problem in our community.0123
Our project is complete and ready to be presented.0123

Write your response to the following question below:

If you could go back and change anything about your project, what would you do differently?