Lesson 3:

Called to Image

God's Truth

I am called to reflect God’s image to the world around me.


  • Character: the traits and tendencies carried by an individual
  • Integrity: the quality of being true to a set of principles
  • Image bearer: one who reflects the character of another

We can see the character of God reflected in The Ten Commandments.

You must not have any other god but me.
God knows we need him most.
Don’t make anything higher than God.
God is worthy of the first place.
You must not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
God keeps his promises, and we should keep ours.
Keep the Sabbath holy.
God knows we need times of rest, and it comes through trusting him.
Honour your father and mother.
God created authority in our lives, and it starts with family. We should honour authority.
Do not kill.
God brings life. He does not want us to harm our life or the lives of others.
Do not commit adultery.
God is faithful to us. He wants us to be faithful, dependable people.
Do not steal.
God gives and protects. We should be givers and not takers.
Do not lie.
God always speaks the truth, and so should we.
Do not covet what others have.
God wants our best, and we should want the best of others. Exodus 20:2-17

So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created
them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

Next Steps / Life work

Take time to ask yourself this question: “Who am I?” Set at least ten minutes aside to think about this question. Also, be thinking about your personal character.

Ask yourself the following questions and rank how well you feel about them: one, being this is not me at all, and 10 being this sounds just like me!

People can always depend on my word – If I say I will, I do!


I am a hard worker. I always do my best.


I know when I need rest. I get enough sleep and wake up refreshed.


I honour my family by helping and speaking well of them.


I am often trusted to care for things that belong to other people, and I take good care of them.


I put other people’s needs before mine.